Dental, Vision & Hearing

Dental, Vision & Hearing

Central United Life Insurance Company

Dental/Vision/Hearing – You may not know it, but the truth is, there’s an awful lot of a dentist can tell while gazing into your mouth.  Studies have shown that our mouths can exhibit symptoms related to more than 120 different non-dental diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

So even if there’s nothing wrong with your teeth and gums (and we certainly hope that’s the case!), visiting a dentist regularly can lead to early detection of serious diseases, which alone can make dental insurance well worth the investment.


Vision screenings typically are designed to only detect subnormal visual acuity and major vision problems — as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. They generally are ineffective for detecting more subtle vision problems and potentially sight-robbing eye diseases.

Eye exams, on the other hand, are performed by licensed eye doctors (an optometrist or ophthalmologist) and evaluate not only your visual acuity, but also the complete health of your eyes, from front to back — including checking for early signs of serious eye problems such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and detached retina.


Hearing loss affects 48 million people in the United States. Hearing loss can occur at birth or can develop at any age. If you suspect that you or a family member has a hearing loss, the best place to start is with a hearing evaluation by a licensed audiologist.

Product Highlights

  • Choose your dentist – No networks
  • Family Rates (includes a maximum of 3 children)
  • Individual 18 – 85
  • $1,500 policy year benefits
  • Guaranteed Issue

Americans are affected by vision problems

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